News and Events

Michelle Opportunities, Inc.

Opportunities, Inc. Entrepreneurial Project – Moving Forward during the Pandemic

For the past several months, Opp, Inc.’s Employment Specialist Paul Jackson has been working with an engaged group of Opp, Inc. volunteers on an entrepreneurial initiative benefiting a number of the people we support. Opportunities, Inc. Entrepreneurs in the Community Michelle Morsell, who has been supported by Opportunities, Inc. since 1998, has been accepted into,…


What is COVID-19?

Learn all about COVID-19 in plain language. Made by Rooted in Rights in collaboration with ASAN. Transcript NARRATOR: What you need to know about COVID-19. What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is a disease that has spread around the world. It is also called, “coronavirus.” Some people who have COVID-19 do not show it. They might not…

jessie and sallie

Interview with Jessie and Her Mother Sallie

Meet Jessie and her mother Sallie. They live in Germantown, MD. Jessie has been receiving services from Opportunities, Inc. since 2015. Jessie is social, upbeat and loves to dance. In fact, when asking Jessie what her favorite thing to do while receiving services from Opp, Inc. she responds with “ZamDance and shopping at Walmart!” Jessie…


Shift Newsletter March 2020

Well, it is official! The groundhog did not see his shadow and we are shifting into an early spring. At Opp, Inc. we are looking forward to the warmer weather as it means an increase in the number of free outdoor activities for the people we support to engage in. It also means an increase…


Shift Newsletter April 2019

Did you know that your chances of landing a job increases when you have a personal connection already in the company? We are all part of different communities with connections to businesses who have needs. Our Opportunities, Inc. community is comprised of eager, ready and qualified candidates to meet those needs! This is an ongoing…


Shift Newsletter January 2019

With the promise of spring in the air (at long last), I am thinking about Opp, Inc.’s growth and the fruit we plan to see from the investments we have made over the past year. One of those investments is staff training. Several of our staff have been trained in the customized employment process. This…


Shift Newsletter October 2018

In October, the Prince George’s County Provider Council hosted its fourth annual employment awards breakfast. The event is an opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of individuals with disabilities, their support staff and the area businesses that have provided meaningful employment opportunities to our participants. The audience was touched as individuals shared their stories of overcoming…


Shift Newsletter July 2018

We have had a busy summer here at Opportunities, Inc. We are continuing our focus on customized employment and identifying creative ways to help our participants become competitively employed. Four of our customized employment participants were offered competitive jobs this month! We are very excited for their offers and look forward to supporting them as…


Shift Newsletter January 2018

This quarter, Opportunities, Inc. is increasing its focus on staff training. As a recipient of the Transforming and Improving Practices through Customized Technical Assistance (TIP) grant, Opportunities, Inc. is receiving technical assistance from Corey Smith, a senior Griffin-Hammis consultant with expertise in customized employment services and organizational transformation. Corey is working with Opportunities, Inc. to…


Shift Newsletter October 2017

This quarter, we are deepening our commitment to serve our participants and help them to become as independent as possible. In addition to the participant-focused efforts you will find in this newsletter, Opportunities, Inc. is working with its staff to develop person-centered principles, methodologies and core values that will help guide the delivery of services….


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Our Mission

Advocate for, empower and support full inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Our Vision

We envision inclusive communities where all are empowered to reach their full potential.